Uniparts India Ltd

Company Name:Uniparts India Ltd
Group :
Address:Corp Office
Gripwel House, Block 5, C6 & 7 LSC,
Vasant Kunj
City:New Delhi 110070 Delhi Delhi
Mktg-Email :[email protected]
HR-Email :
Purchase-Email :
Brands Owned :

About the Company :

: Uniparts Group, a global manufacturer of engineered systems and solutions for the off highway vehicle market, is planning to invest Rs. 1000 million to set up a facility in Ludhiana and expand its Visakhapatnam plant in Andhra Pradesh. The company which operates 6 manufacturing plants, one in USA and five in India is working on new components and platforms under the 3-Point Linkage System, which forms the backbone of agricultural machinery globally, and will add new applications for tractors, harvest combines and other such vehicles.


Gurdeep Soni– Chairman
Paramjit Soni– Vice Chairman
Herbert Coenen– Director – Technology.


Corp Office Gripwel House, Block 5, C6 & 7 LSC, Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110070 Delhi Delhi 011-26137979 011-26138181

Products & Services Offered
Auto Ancillaries